Gratitude Letter
18 Sep 2012 2 Comments
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Thank you, baby.
In a window of time in which my family has been grieving and tending to the details that gracefully hem the ending of one life, thank you for choosing perfect timing to allow me to show up fully present and eager for your birth. I told your mother that I had been talking to you for several days – believing that the angels could stand in “the spaces between us” to allow for this perfect moment. Thank you for your participation.
Thank you for the opportunity to once again celebrate the newness of life with tears of joy.
Thank you for choosing a beautiful family to welcome you with so much love, and the opportunity for this doula to know, once again, all the way down to her bones, that every night a child is born is a holy night. Thank you for the opportunity, once again in this lifetime, to know what it is to stand on holy ground.
Thank you for reminding me with absolute clarity why I wake every day and give my whole-hearted YES to walking this path.
Thank you for your part in the the affirmation from the Universe, yet again, that Things Work Out. They always do. When our yes is absolute, and we trust in the process, the way becomes open for the steps to happen with grace, and peace, and ease. Thank you for reminding me that I Know That I Know.
Your life is already a blessing to so many. May you be richly blessed in abundance in return.
With love,
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